If you have balance in your cash account your can issue ePINs for it that can be used to signup new members

You can also purchase ePINs from eComelize Europe SL's.


Membership packages soldAllocations for Loyalty-pointsEnrolment price
eComelize free pack200€0
eComelize start pack500€90
eComelize mini pack1000€190
eComelize lite pack5000€490
eComelize basic pack10000€990
eComelize plus pack30000€1990
eComelize pro pack60000€2990
eComelize ultra pack120000€4990

Please note your eComelize EMAIL as reference code on the payment. This email will receive the ePIN codes the same day transfer has been received.

Transfers to be made to:

eComelize Europe SL

Calle Europa 2, 29640 Fuengirola, Malaga, Spain.

Company registration number: B93728020

Bank: BBVA - Spain

IBAN: ES6801824290930201584328

(ES68 0182 4290 93 0201584328)


Bank address: Mijas Cost, Malaga, Spain